sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Rafael Mendez: Trumpet Extraordinary

Catálogo: Decca DL 8427
Edición: 1957
País: USA

Cara 1
01 The brave Matador
02 A trumpeter's lullaby
03 Chunca
04 The Tre-Mendez Polka
05 Las Chiapanecas
06 Caro nome
07 Polka in the box

Cara 2
08 El vuelo del moscardón
09 Herje Kati
10 Estrellita
11 Dark eyes
12 Hora staccatto
13 Valse bluette

4 comentarios:

  1. Por favor, pode repor o link deste maravilhoso álbum, obrigado.

  2. Hello, I was wondering if you could re-upload this recording, and also if you might have any more Rafael Mendez? Thank you very much!

    1. Updated link. Sorry, I have not any other Lp from this artists by the moment.

  3. Thank you so very much - this was my father's favorite recording, and is next to impossible to find. I'm most grateful!
